Tackle Your Stress This Holiday Season
Advent Calendar - 25 Days of Self-Care
2m 7s
Need a little help to tackle your holiday stress this season that is compounded by your divorce and co-parenting stress? Watch this quick video for a tip that will help you prioritize what is truly important to you this holiday season.
Up Next in Advent Calendar - 25 Days of Self-Care
Get Better Sleep This Holiday Season
Sleep is usually the first thing to go when we are super stressed out, lying awake at night running through our to do lists and worried about how our life will ever be ok. Try out my top sleep tips to help you get better sleep this holiday season.
Here is the magnesium supplement I use and love...
Feel Better In Your Body This Holiday...
During the holidays, divorce and co-parenting get so much worse when you don't feel great in your body due to all the holiday foods you are eating. Check out these digestion tips to help you feel better in your body and therefore give you more patience with your co-parent.
3 Tips For Better Communication With ...
When you are co-parenting with a narcissist, the holidays are the worst time of the year. Their tantrums get exponentially worse and it is a time to make sure your communication is rock solid so you can create more peace for yourself. Check out these tips that you can use all year long.
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