Hot Cup Meditation
Advent Calendar - 25 Days of Self-Care
3m 58s
Grab a hot cup (tea, water with lemon, coffee, mulled wine, whatever floats your boat!) and come settle into yourself for a few minutes with me. Let tension drop, let the calm wash over you.
Up Next in Advent Calendar - 25 Days of Self-Care
Sleepy Time Meditation
There is nothing worse than running around super stressed out all day, and then being unable to get to sleep at night. Try this sleepy time meditation to help you this holiday season and beyond.
If you would like to add music to this meditation, try this playlist: -
Gratitude Meditation
Welcome to this Gratitude Meditation to help you feel grateful for all of the things in your life.
If you would like to add music to this class, try this playlist: -
Box Breath For Anxiety
Anxiety is a total energy zapper. So let's take some calming box breaths together to help drop our anxiety this holiday season.
If you would like to add some music to this meditation, try this playlist: